BASOR ELECTRIC, S.A. has more than 30 years of experi- ence in the sector of industrial electrical systems which make it a recognized leader in the manufacture of cable conduction systems for both big and small engineering works. BASOR constantly demonstrates its interest in inno- vation by investing in its R&D department which, together with the engineering department, studies each case indi- vidually to find the most eflcient solution and offer its clients the most advanced products available in the market. BASOR ELECTRIC is in possession of a number of patents related with the designs of the standardized family products.

All our products are manufactured following the IEC’s International Standards, except in those cases in which the International Electro technical Commission has not yet developed an international standard and, therefore, the products are manufactured following European standards. To manage projects based on non-international rules and regulations, which are different to European regulations, (NEMA, ASTM. etc.), BASOR draws up technical documen- tation showing the equivalencies between such regula- tions and European regulations.

Moreover, every year the company invests greatly in the renovation of its machinery, in security for its staff and in the automation of the different processes. This reduces the time needed to manufacture a product and therefore improves the service, which can be rendered to clients. All the processes concerning the manufacture of every family of products are carried out in the production centers owned by GRUPO BASOR, which are located in Almansa Castell6 de Rugat Gandia

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